howdy neighbor(almost), i'm mear wilkes barre, anyhow, we love ours, he does help to clean up the algae, nad is so cool, he's also almost chameleon like, when we first got him, he'd hide in the rock(in plain sight) and we'd have to look for quite awhile before we could spot him, the only thing, he will do much better, if you do not rely on your algae in the tank for his sole diet, we give ours an algae wafer every 2-3 days, and lettuce and seaweed, anyhow, he is growing much better since we have started to give him a variety, and he/she is nearly fearless, without a care(we do have no overly aggressive fish, but a bullyish clown when she was new, and he'd just look at her LOL), anything else??
just ask away