

scooter blenny died after4months readings are fine, just put in 14p LR its cured,but seemed to get slight alge they need special diet.oh 75g tank 1yellow tang 1 coral beauty 1yellowtail damsel 1 perc clown 1 coral banded shrimp and shrimp was eating what looked like a shrimp, could it have been hermit crab


Active Member
Scooters like alot of little critters that come with LR. I also feed mine live brine on a regular basis.

matt dowdney

New Member
Some times fish just die without cause or reason. Many things can happen to a fish when they are young that can effect their whole life span. I don't think your coral banded would eat a hermit (although it wouldn't surprise me) Maybe he was eating something off of the new live rock. I've gotten many unidentified riff raff that becomes food. Another thing is I've seen mine (rarely) chew on the old exoskeleton. Ya never know, just try to keep an eye on your tank, but if you enjoy it as much as I do, I don't think you'll have a problem.