I have a True Sebae Clown. About 2 wks after I got her, she got popeye. I treated for a wk, it got bigger then went down, other eye went up..........then wk 3 of a Maracyn plus treatment I decided to just not treat and see what happened. Well, both eyes are down, not completely normal but not popped out looking. I know she's blind, I hand feed her everyday. I can be by the tank and as long as I'm quiet, she has no idea i'm there but the moment I touch the top she s right there waiting for me to hand feed. Anyone else out there have a blind fish?? Or think I'm crazy................lol Thanx
I was just looking at other pics and does anyone know how I can know if myclown isnt a true sebae or a clarki??? Fish store said true sebae.
I was just looking at other pics and does anyone know how I can know if myclown isnt a true sebae or a clarki??? Fish store said true sebae.