New Member
I'm a new member to this forum. I have been in saltwater keeping for 8 years. Presently I have had two fish present with similar conditions. Most all my fish are 5+ year. These fish both sebae clowns, started swimming near bottom. They stopped eating. I am presently treating with copper, along with formalite 2. Both medications I have had great success
over the years. Anyhow this morning the larger clown looked very interested in eating, colored looked the best it has in thelast 2 weeks since he has become sick. As the brineshrimp is going past him, he does nothing, but still looked interested. Through the dreaded net in the water test, we discover that he appears to be totally blind! I haven't done the same test on the smaller sebae yet. The tank is a 175 gal, perfect water conditions. I have 2 yellow tangs, cortez angel, foxface, blue damsel, percula and tomato clown in there as well. I'd hate to take them out as my 90 gal tank has 3 very large neon damsels that I am positive will eat these poor clowns in a moment!!
Sorry for my long-windedness. Anyone else ever experience this? Is it reverseable?
Crossing my fingers,
I'm a new member to this forum. I have been in saltwater keeping for 8 years. Presently I have had two fish present with similar conditions. Most all my fish are 5+ year. These fish both sebae clowns, started swimming near bottom. They stopped eating. I am presently treating with copper, along with formalite 2. Both medications I have had great success
over the years. Anyhow this morning the larger clown looked very interested in eating, colored looked the best it has in thelast 2 weeks since he has become sick. As the brineshrimp is going past him, he does nothing, but still looked interested. Through the dreaded net in the water test, we discover that he appears to be totally blind! I haven't done the same test on the smaller sebae yet. The tank is a 175 gal, perfect water conditions. I have 2 yellow tangs, cortez angel, foxface, blue damsel, percula and tomato clown in there as well. I'd hate to take them out as my 90 gal tank has 3 very large neon damsels that I am positive will eat these poor clowns in a moment!!
Sorry for my long-windedness. Anyone else ever experience this? Is it reverseable?
Crossing my fingers,