Blind Clowns


Over the past six months I've had a few different clowns: Most recently 2 Clarkiis and a Perc. In every case they slowly die off with the rest of the population in the tank remaing fine. They slowly become lethergic, and as they are laying around doing nothing their eyes slowly cloud over and they become blind. As a result, they can't find their food and I suppose slowly starve.
What's with the cloudy eyes and resultant blindness? The rest of the population remains active and healthy. :notsure:
Thanks for your help!
Tom K


Active Member
Hey Tom, can you post your water levels for us (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity,and temperature)?


Thanks for the quick reply!
I normally check levels every three or four days, with a 15-20% RO/DI water change, at the minimum each week. If the levels are up, I make a record so I can track them until they return to normal. If not I don't record them.
DT is a 6 month old 55 with 30# LS and 30# LR. 40# new LR arrived an hour ago.
Population contains a YT, a Flame Angel, a Royal Gramma and three different Anemones. Also contains an efficient cleanup crew. Everyone but the clowns remain happy.
I run a Remora C skimmer plus a carbon filter wet/dry, 3 Maxi-Jet power heads: one at the bottom of opposite corners and one aimed diagonally at the surface.
Three days ago my NH3-trite-trate levels were perfect.
I just did a 15% water change last night and have yet to re-test.
Temp varies from day to night between 76-78 degrees.
Salinity: .0225 + or - .005, depending on top-off.
ph is always between 8.0-8.2
kH- no current test. Last I checked it was "normal."
I'm in the midst of setting up a 30 so I can isolate them when I see the beginning of a change.
I really enjoy having the clowns with the anenomes, but they never last beyond 2 months. It's really weird!

I really appreciate any help!


Active Member
Usually eye injury can cause a bacterial infection to set in. I wonder if it could be your yellow tang .Yellow tangs can be really hard on new additions, especially since this is such a small tank for him. It could be that he is going for the eyes, somthing that triggers will often do. It just seems more than coincidence that every clown you have added turns up blind after awhile. My only other thought would be about 'three different anemones' in one system. They will war with each other. Do any of the anemones host the clowns? What type of anemones? Do you notice them breathing hard, or any other outward signs ? Did they seem healthy when added to the tank?


Thank for the reply,
I have a BTA that I've had for quite awhile. It was the host for the recent percs that I had, they took turns hosting. I just added a Florida Condi and a PT Haitian that I was intending to put into the 30 gal when I'm SURE it's not going to cyle due to the new LR. I'm putting the clowns in with them. Other than cleanup crew, that'll be it for that tank. Then I'll have the Tang, Angel, Gramma and Damsel and the BTA in the 55, which is plenty.
The tang doesn't seem to bother anyone, new or long-time resident. It will "hover" over something that isn't quite right. I can always tell because it unfurls his dorsel and acts tough. The only suspect that I would consider is the damsel.
The clowns are courting the Pink Haitian but no one has moved in yet. I'm going to move them this afternoon, after I re-test the water in the 30.
They clowns don't seem to show any signs of stress or injury. One or both eyes will slowly cloud over, sfter a few days they just roll over on the bottom and croak.
It's really weird.
Thanks again for taking the time to help out. I know there is an answer, I have to just keep looking.