Blind Pink skunk Clownfish


New Member
We have a skunk clown that has obviously gone blind.
It got stung by my yellow tang and I nursed it back to health. I fed the anemone the other day, so I pushed the clown out of its home. The Fish bumped in to everything. It could not find its way back to it's home. I had to catch him and "place" him back home. He never travles far away. I have looked at him up close and his sting has healed. Everything is Right On as far as temp, PH, Salinity.... I'd love evereyones input.


are you for sure its a sting? tangs don't sting, they cut. if its a sting mabey something else in the tank did it. where was the fish stung? and oh yea.....
:happyfish :cheer: :cheer: WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!:cheer: :cheer: :happyfish