Blk & White clown help


Active Member
I am going to get a black and white clownfish tomorrow. I am only able to get one of these so I would like some opinions:
Should I just have the one in my tank or should I add an orange and white one for company too??
Tank is 10 gal


just one. If you want two clowns get the same kind in a tank that big. I would not personally get more than 2 fish in a10 g tank. You can if you want, but you will h ave to do VERY FREQUENT water changes, and keep a CONSTANT EYE on the water params. One fish, a shrimp, and inverts would be my suggestion, and that is if you have lots of rockwork for a 10 g.


Active Member
Many people have kept a B&W paired with a O&W and actually started spawning. But your tank is too small , I would at least get a 20 gallon so it will provide more room and little more stable water also .


Active Member
Yes it is but the maroon is going to a new home, she needs a bigger tank as she is upsetting everything. Beautiful fish though.
And yes I still have the anemone too and it is just great.
So I will just get the one fish for in there then.
Thanks everyone.......