"bloated"?? yellow angel


New Member
my yellow angel looks like she's either pregnant or bloated from something. don't have any ideas on this one, butI don't want to lose her either. HELP!!!


Staff member
Hello, ned. Welcome to Saltwaterfish.com.
Can you give some more specific details. There is a Thread at the top of this forum that provides a guideline for info that is helpful when posting here. The more detailed you can get with your problem the better we can help you.


New Member
thanks for your info and help. guess i'll never know the reason for that problem as she died. the rest of the tank is healthy... so far! for reference the flake we store by the tank and the freeze dried is (obviously) in the freezer. should the flake be there as well? have done a major water change. the tank is a ewer tank, 75 gall. 11 months old. thanks again,