Blonde Naso Tang Questions


Active Member
I think in a tank that size you could have 2. But read up on them, you may actually need 3 or more. Some fish do better in schools, rather than pairs. I would Google it to make sure. Todd


Active Member
I would not try keeping two of them in a 140 unless you are absolutely positive that they are a pair.
As far as diet, I would feed them a mix between seaweed/nori, kelp, mysis shrimp, spirulina, and maybe one more type of protein such as bloodworms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I would not try keeping two of them in a 140 unless you are absolutely positive that they are a pair.
As far as diet, I would feed them a mix between seaweed/nori, kelp, mysis shrimp, spirulina, and maybe one more type of protein such as bloodworms.
I feed mine Formula 2, blood worms, live brine shrimp, brown seaweed, and Marine Cuisine. I believe just one per tank, I remember reading that somewhere. Do you have it already, I mean the fish. I hope it's eating well if you already got one. It's hard to get them to eat sometime and they'll starve themselves to death at times. IF you haven't gotten one yet, make sure to ask your LFS to feed it and watch if he eats or not, if your ordering it, then you just have to wait and see. I ordered mine off this site...I had problem getting mine to eat at first and he wouldn't eat anything for a week until I try brown algae and that's when he started eating, now he eats anything I give him. Good Luck! :happyfish


Active Member
I think I've heard also just 1 per tank....I had a heck of a time just getting 2 Yellow Tangs to coexist in a 300 gallon tank!!!!!


Originally Posted by acrylic51
I think I've heard also just 1 per tank....I had a heck of a time just getting 2 Yellow Tangs to coexist in a 300 gallon tank!!!!!
Yellow tangs, or anything from the Zebramosa (sp?) family are not good examples of fish to try to keep in pairs. I have only heard of a few instances where any of them co-exist (Zebramosa's) in pairs. Did you eventually have success with them acrylic51? Naso's I am not sure about, I have seen a blue-spot (no blond lips, looks almost like a vlamengi) and the blond-lips go very well together. Just some thoughts.


Active Member
Yeah I've had them both for about 5 years, I just have to make sure when I put lettuce in that I put 2 in at opposite ends, other than that they leave each other alone......


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Yeah I've had them both for about 5 years, I just have to make sure when I put lettuce in that I put 2 in at opposite ends, other than that they leave each other alone......
I had two yellow tangs in a same tank once, but I did get them together at the LFS. They gotten along just fine and never fought. I think when you get them together and put in together, the lesser chance for them to fight. Just my thought! :happyfish