Blonde Naso Tang...


I added a Blonde Naso tang to my 125 gallon tank last week. He doesnt seem to be eating. I seen him eat a little of seaweed selects. I tried giving him formula 2, mysis shrimp, blood worms, brine shrimp, dried krill, and flake food. He wont touch it. My other fish just eat away right in front of him!! Tomorrow will be a week he has been in the tank. Any suggestions or answers to this????


Active Member
How big is it? U could try live brine. Ive seen a vlamigi tang chase down and eat a feeder guppy at the lfs, but im not sure if others will eat, lol. Sometimes, they can be tough to get eating. After a while, they should come around. Ask the LFS wat they were feeding it first of all, then if they say nothing, come back here.