blonde naso tang


I have heard a lot of good things about the blonde naso, but was wondering how big they get and if i have room for one. 75 fowlr with yellow tang, blue hippo and green chromis.


Active Member
I wouldnt do it. I had one that was a foot long and still growing. I had him a 180 gallon and that even seemed too small. They are a beautiful fish though. I will get another when I nset the 180 backup.


Oh wow! Never mind then. Do you have any other suggestions of colorful fish that are smaller and would do ok in that size of tank with those fish?


Active Member
You could do some firefish. They add alot of great color. Just to let you know the two tangs in that 75 will eventually bring problems. They need alot of room to swim, and they are really prone to get ich when they are to confined. I would get rid of the hippo, and 4 fire fish. just my opinion though,. Let us know what you do, and good luck


I'm new to this hobby, don't even have a tank yet, but I am researching before taking the plunge. I love the Naso Tang too! I REALLY want this fish! From what I've read, this fish is a slow grower, is that true? How much growth can I expect in a year or so?
I'm also thinking of getting a 60" long tank, but not too high. Maybe a 100 gal. tank or so, what do you think?
Steve P.


Active Member
Mine was not a "slow Grower". If I was going to put one in a tank I would use a 100 gallon min. I think a 6 ft. tank is the way to go. My naso could go from one end to the other really fast.


Will be upgrading to a larger tank once we move to a different house. Right now we have two people, two cats, 75gal, 29fal, adn 5 gal tank in one 700sq ft house. No garage or basement or anything like that. So right now a bigger tank is out of the question. Would like to get a 100gal tank.


Copper banded butterflyfish are great to add. rated for a 75 gal tank and are very fun to watch. I've enjoyed watching mine. He seems to get along with all my fish too. And I have Tangs & Triggers in a 175.


Hi Liz,
Copperbandeds are nice fish and get around 7" but very hard fish, they usually dont eat anything and starve to death... but a very good looking fish. I would get a flame angel (i dont get one and tring to make people buy them :D ) they have wonderful colors... but i love small fish more then big ones like clown gobies, firefish, gramma, shrimp gobies...


There's something wrong if you fish doesn't want to eat. Either stress or disease or something of that sort.


Liz, there are two reasons why copperbands dont eat usally
1- at the lfs they stress or they just give flakes so cbb dont eat anything and when you take him at home he again wont eat
2- in the nature they feed on sponges, small anemones, corals or micro shrimps/mysis/po and people dont offer all/any of these to fish so fish dont take food


they are very delicate fish only for the experienced hobbyist in my opinion.
I agree with you Kip, but sure people go and like them at their lfs and lfs sell these to them then their fish die... so i think everyone should do a research about the fish they want to buy before they buy them IMO... so then i dont think that any regal angels, copperbands, mandarins, sea horses, pipefish... will die