Blonde naso


Any one have a naso tang. I bought one on sunday and he constantly hides and I has not eaten yet. I did put out some dry algea this monring and it was gone this evening, but I have four clownfish in there too and lots of critters.
Are they normally shy fish?


Active Member
Once acclimated, Naso's can usually be seen swimming all along the tank. They are usually a very hardy fish. I have seen shy Naso's that would retreat for cover if the tank was approached, but have also seen Naso's that were tame as a dog. It really depends on the fish. bo


my naso is somwhat shy. he swims around the tank all day but if you approach the tank he tends to hide. i doo have him eating out of my hand though. they just seem to be a timmid fish at times. try starting him on frozen brine them move to other things.