Blood Smrimp Lost to Sally Lightfoot


New Member
Last night, my one year old blood smrimp molted. I woke up this morning to my Sally Light Foot devouring that same shrimp. I have a 40 Gallon, 20 pounds of live sand, 30 lbs of Live Rock. Mushroom Corals, a cleaner shrimp, Coral beauty, small pecular clown, Mandarin Dragonet - Spotted, and a hippo tang. Also have 10 hermits, Nassarius Snail - Group of 10, 2 cleaner clams, 3 Scarlet Hermit Crab, one sand sifting cucumber, Tiger Tail Cucumber, Fighting Conch - Aquacultured, Queen Conch - Aquacultured, Serpent Starfish, Sally lightfood crab.
I am assuming the Sally Lightfood just went after the shrimp, as he has been healtht and good for almost a year now.
Any thoughts about the make up of the tank? Overstocked? I know the hippo will outgrow tank, got him when he was so small, and he has grown already since I have had him. So I am thinking about bringing him back, but he is so cool in the tank!
Thank you for your help.


Active Member
people are going to comment on how small your tank is and the lack of enough live rock to sustain a mandarin for a full, healthy life.


Yea I think your tank is over.. I would take the Mandarin Dragonet out soon.. Hes cool and all and I understand why you got him hell I would too thay are so COOL!!!!! But thay die after a year or so... Need more then 75LB of LR to live... ***)


New Member
Yeah, totally agree. I got him as a gift and he is REALLY cool! I have been adding Copepods to the tank quite frequently, but I have to admit I do not think he will last with the size of the tank. The tank is doing well, besides my blood shrimp getting eaten by my Sally Lightfoot. Have you ever seen/heard of a Sally Light foot killing a blood shrimp?


Active Member
sally's are crabs. they will eat whatever they can find. If it was hungry enough, a nice newly molted shrimp might have gone well with a side of detritus. try to give your crabs and shrimp for that matter a chunk of shrimp or clam or something meaty every couple days to keep them satisfied.
hopefully it was just munching the molt though.
on a side note, if you're going to get rid of the mandarin i've been working up the resolve to get one and can probably give it a nice home.


New Member
Yeah, know that about them, I always give them flakes, Arctipods, Mysis Shrimp. Unfortunately he was not muching the molt as I saw him carrying the carcas of my $25 blood shrimp around the tank! I think he just found him post molt and ate him up. Thing that is really weird is the crab is not that big at all and he destroyed a pretty large shrimp.
Maybe we can work something out for the Mandarin. Can you trade anything?


Active Member
ehh, something else may have gotten to the shrimp, or it was the shrimp's time. my SLF carried around my 5" pink/blue spotted shrimpgoby after it died.
not sure when i'd be looking at getting a mandarin, but there's always something to trade :) look me up when you want to get rid of him and we'll talk.


who cares, ive heard of them living in 20 gallons. i say do wat u want the first time around and see wut happens. if it doesnt work out then u learn from it.


New Member
Ha! That is what I said, learn as you go! I just do not want to continue to feed my SLF $30 shrimp! I will not be adding any additional shrimp, and am trying to re-evaluate the make up for the tank. The Mandarin is not looking great, even though I am adding cocos quite regularly, he does not seem to be doing really good. I can work a trade withsome, perhaps the goby for something small that munch some fish waste? Anyone interested?


Originally Posted by qpackard
Ha! That is what I said, learn as you go! I just do not want to continue to feed my SLF $30 shrimp! I will not be adding any additional shrimp, and am trying to re-evaluate the make up for the tank. The Mandarin is not looking great, even though I am adding cocos quite regularly, he does not seem to be doing really good. I can work a trade withsome, perhaps the goby for something small that munch some fish waste? Anyone interested?
Does your LFS have a display tank set up? If so I would see if they could take your mandarin back and put it in that tank if they don't have one in there already. I have a green mandarin and he will only eat pods.


Active Member
taking bets its actually a ray in a 30...
no offense to either of you, but people offer advice so newcomers don't make the same mistakes they made. there's not a huge supply of fish, and if people have the attitude of live and learn, it's usually the fish that DON'T live so you can learn.