blue and purple tang help PLEASE


New Member
I have a 4 inch blue tang, mandarin goby,and false percula clowns in a 75 gallon tank and i was wondering if i could put a 3 or 4 inch purple tang in without it attacking any of my other fish?


Active Member
dont do it. two tangs in that size tank will fight. purples are very agressive, and blues are super ick-prone. that purple could chase your blue around, then the blue would get ick and you have a huge problem to solve. just stick with what you have. if you want another fish i would suggest a pygmy angel if your tank is mature. you can get another fish in there if you want one. look into grammas, blennys, gobys, pygmy angels, hawkfish, etc if you want another fish. i would also reccomend investing in some good books if you dont have any yet. do a search in the fo forum, you will find plenty on them. hth, bo
[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: Grouperhead ]


Active Member
I agree the tank is too small for two tangs and anymore additions to your tank will drastically reduce your chances of keeping your mandarin alive because the purple tang is an aggressive feeder and will get most of the food
fore the mandarin can get any.


think twice about ahawk fish thay are more trouble than a purpel tang i would not get a tang that is to small