blue chin trigger


Have just bought a blue chin trigger, he is in a 70 by himself with lots of live rock. I cant get him to eat. Ive tried shrimp, live prawns and frozen ones as well as bits of squid and scallop. He has been in the tank for 6 days without eating. When I got him ge was fat and healthy and now hes looking tucked up and miserable. Any suggestions?? I acclimatised him for about an hour and had the lights dimmed for about 2 days.


Active Member
What is your water parameters? Bad water quality is usually the factor that causes a fish to stop eating. Test your pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and specifically your specific gravity.


Ok water parameters are fine all levels are zero (ie ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) light set up is fluros and PH is 8.3. I thibk it may have something to do with the fact that he is just so damn shy, every time i go near the tank he goes to hide. Strange, but I was warned that blue chins aren't as aggto as most other triggers


I did some reaserch and they are the opposite of most triggers. They are docile and shy. Actually they are somewhat reef-safe! But larger ones may eat shrimp.


well I have got him to eat, I started throwing bits of raw prawn at him and he seems to love it and he has put condition back on. What worries me at the moment is he seems to have a wound on his lower jaw. I think he may have done it on the rock but I cant be sure. I treated it with a week long course of melafix and it seemed to be getting better, then last night it looks like its opened up again. Is it possible for fish to get an abcess?