Blue Damselfish


I have a blue damsel and a couple weeks ago I noticed his tail was missing a little sliver out of it, and today I just looked at him again and it seems as if his fins are "rotting", disintegrating? I dont know?
His eyes also seem to big protruding from his head a little bit.. I have never noticed that before.


Might want to put it in a quarantine tank and try dosing with Maracyn II
It covers both fin-rot and popeye plus a number of other things, so it should be a 'cure-all' for the described things.
Any aggressive tank-mates with it?
I think beth recommends double dosing the maracyn II, but I can't remember.. Normal dose wouldn't hurt, but don't double until she confirms either way.
Good Luck


Everything seems to be good and my other fish are fine. How do I go about setting up a Q-tank.. I have an old 10 gallon.
Also, Is Maracyn 2 just for freshwater?


Staff member
What are your water readings? And is there another fish in the tank harassing this fish?
Check out the FAQ Thread for info on QT.