blue dot jawfish


I have a 45 gallon all fish tank. The fish I have are clown, mandarin, a german goby, can't never think of the name, candycane goby, midas blenny priolosepsis goby, 2 fire shrimp, 2 starfish. Also have blue dot jawfish. Something has bitten the tail and side of my blue dot jawfish. Not sure who, though. If I had to guess, probably the midas blenny. Anyhow, is there something I should do. Something I need to add to the tank, or just leave him be. He is still building his sandcastles, even without a tail and a hurt side. Thanks, Anthias.


do you have a QT? if so you can put him in there while he heals and medicate him if necessary


ive heard that you can get the hang on the side breeder thingamajigs to keep him in until he heals as well, i dotn have any experience in that myself.. maybe someone who does can chime in on this.