Blue Face Angel - Cotton Mouth?


I have a blue face angel that I've had for about 2 weeks. All has been going good, he's actually pretty active, compared to other posts I've read about them being shy for months. Anyways, all seems healthy except yesterday I noticed his mouth has some white stuff growing on it. I know it's not ich, or am pretty sure it's not. I've seen a little about cotton mouth on here, but not exactly sure what it is or if/how to cure it. It just looks like a puffy white hard thing on it's lips. Will this go away, or do I need to treat it? How harmful is this to the fish? It is eating fine. Please help. Thanks.


Active Member
You're not being a pest at all. This section of the board does not receive much traffic, so don't feel ignored if you don't get responses. :)
Your angel may have Lymphocystis, Mouth Fungus (Columnaris), or some other kind of bacterial infection (it is my understanding that the term "cotton mouth" encompasses multiple diseases, most of them being bacterial). Lymph is untreatable but does not usually harm the fish. It comes and goes on its own but maintaining pristine water and feeding food of nutritional value seems to help it disappear. It can have a cottony appearance but often times will look like cauliflower.
Your fish probably doesn't have Columnaris, but it is a possibility. Keep in mind that fungal infections aren't very common and it could very well be bacterial. I would consider other possibilities before looking into this disease.
It could also be some sort of bacterial infection treatable with antibiotics. Administering Maracyn Two in a QT is one way of taking care of it. Here is a quote from Terry B concerning the use of Maracyn Two to treat bacterial infections:
"The correct dose for Maracyn-Two is using the double dose suggested for the first day EACH and EVERY day for at least a week. The dose suggested on the box is not strong enough for SW. If you use Nitrofurazone (Furacyn) go with 30mg/gal just one dose on the first day ONLY. Leave in Nitrofurazone 3 to 5 days. Check the ammonia and pH daily."
Hope this helps! :)


Thanks. That's a lot of good info. I definitely think, from what you're saying, that its the Lymph infection. Hopefully that goes away soon. Thanks again.