Blue face Angel with???



I have a bluface angel that has developed a large patchy disease/fungus above his gills and I also noticed on his fin. An employee at a saltwater fish store advised me that this is a common disease to angels and usually is a result of temperature increases. He said not to worry as it would go away in a few days. The Angel is pretty active and eating well. I'm still a little worried as it doesn't look to be getting better, it looks (to me annoying) and If there is something I could/should do, I would like to get going. I have attached the picture I presented at the fish store. Advice???


Water quality is good:
Nitrite 0.3 mg/l
Amonia 0 mg/l
PH 8.24
KH 9
Nitrate ???(may be high...need to get a new kit)
salinity 1.021
temp 80 degrees
I think this fish has a good diet and eats pretty much everything I feed:
Spirulina enriched brine
blood worms
Angel Formula
Formula one
New life spectrum marine fish formula
Organic Romaine
Seaweed selects
How long does this lympho..... usually last?


The tank is 92 gallon oceanic bowfront corner tank. The blueface is a nice specimen and that's why I was concerned. I do not want to lose him. I keep the salinity at 1.021 because the tank is a fish only tank and I was advised that this would make it tougher for parisites. I have fought the ICK battle many times. I also have in the tank:
Powder blue tang 3 inches
Juvenille emperator 2 inches
Clown trigger 1.5 inches
Lyretail anthias 2 inches
niger trigger 1.5 inches
The blueface is about 3 inches as well.
I did take a Nitrate reading tonight using a tetra Nitrate kit. The kit is like 3 years old and the reading was high almost off the scale (100 mg/l). I just did a 20 gallon water change last week and have a hard time beleiving the test results are valid.
I do appreciate your comment about the Nitrates being high. if the test is valid, that may be why it is taking so long for the Blueface to get better

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by jwtrojan44
Get a new test kit, but it's not impossible for your trates to be that high. If they are, a twenty gallon water change won't have a substantial impact. Mike, I will say now that your tank is grossly overstocked with incompatible fish. Corner tanks do not lend themselves to large fish that need a good deal of horizontal swimming space. All the fish are juveniles now, but you really need to envision them full grown. Those angels will likely grow to over a foot, and will need tanks in the 180 galloin range MINIMUM. Neither of the angels will thrive given the limited space. Large angels are also highly intolerant of each other and your two will more than likely begin displaying aggression towards one another if they're not already. This leads to stress and illness. This could be why the fish has lympho and why it is not healing up. The clown trigger will grow to almost twenty inches, and eventually turn on the anthias, tang and possibly the niger. They have the tendency to just snap and go on a killing spree. THe PB tang will need more room, as in 180 gallons minimum, and they tend to do better in reef settings. How long have you had all of these fish and is someone telling you it's okay to keep them all together in your tank? I'm not trying to be in any way harsh, but I see a lot of problems coming down the road if you don't make some changes. Thin out the tank soon. One of the angels, until it grows too large, the anthias and perhaps the niger, and that's it. Personally, I'd rethink the whole set up, but it's your call. Just be aware that with your current bioload, cramped space, choice of fish, there will be some major difficulties. You mentioned you have fought the ich battle many times. There is an obvious reason for this. Overstocking, lack of quarantine and a high stress tank. If you don't remedy the problem, you'll continue to have outbreaks of ich and other illnesses, and no hobbyist wants that. You sound as though you care for your fish and don't want to see anything happen to them. If this is the case, take steps to correct the problems before they become costly. If you want some suggestions of more compatible fish species, let me know. I'll be glad to help.
