Blue Fish!!!!


I have a 33 gallon tank and I love blue. Can anyone think of any blue fish which can be kept in a tank of tis size and post a pic?


Damsels are cool, a bit territorial, but the yellow bellied and yellow tail are nice( BTW both stunningly blue!), I have one of each. They will act similar to a cichlid in that they dig a hole if you don't give them their own place to hide. they take the sand into their mouth and spit it somewhere else. They are beautifull though. Mine don't fight too much, not enough to do any damage to each other, but will sometimes chase each other. :joy:


i know i will get flak for this, but, yellow tail damsels are a safe bet. territorial yes, but try intoducing him last. ive added a yellow tail to almost every tank set up i have run over the years and they seemed pretty docile knowing they arent the bully on the block. blue/green chromis are really pretty too, as someone mentioned before, and they are very very docile. might i even reccomend a blue tang...but for that small of a tank he'd habe to be really tiny and most likely taken out after a while due to growth!


Scott's Fairy Wrasse. Beautiful fish, they're not entirely blue but have alot of blue in them. A very peaceful fish as well. Also, for a lot less money than the Fairy Wrasse, a Sixline Wrasse has some blue in it as well.


For all of the suggestions on damsels...mine are extremely aggresive. All they do is fight. Usually with each other but they have been know to chase down my perc. Theres plenty of rock for them too.


Is it me or has anyone else noticed it seems like blue fish quarrel a lot?!
Probably just coincidence, but every blue fish no matter what kind I have had loved to chase their tankmates.
All the fish listed I have had at one time or another and boy they were a roudy bunch!
1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish! Sorry, couldn't help it!
