blue/gray worm???


Active Member
After lights on this morning, I saw this bluish grayish worm that was spiraling out of control throughout my tank. The tank has been up and running, with no additions or subtractions in the past 2 months or so (3 chromis). The wormy-thing was about 4-6 inches long and, to be perfectly honest, looked like a live fish poop. I couldn't decipher which end was the head, and it was gone before I could get the camera out. I am assuming that it has been in the tank for quite some time...this is just the first time that I have seen it. Any idea what it is?


Without a picture no definite ID. Probably a bristle worm, harmless and have two really big ones in my tank. They have been given a bad name because they are usually discovered on a dead tank inhabitant, but they did not cause the death they are merely doing a nice job of cleaning it up for you. Google or go to Hitch hikers and id threads.


Active Member
The big blueish/gray ones in my tank I remove if the opportunity presents itself. I won't disturb anything to get them, but one time I played Tug-O-War with this large variety. Their strength and grip is no joke.
I remove these.....



Active Member
not mine....mine literally looked like almost like a fish poop that was was blue or gray in color, had no legs (that I could see), and was floating around in the water spinning out of control (I have had bristle worms before....definitely not a bristle). If you were to draw a squiggly line in blue or gray, that is what this thing looked like. The only reason that I know it was alive is that it would slow down and speed up with nothing to do with the powerheads...then it was gone again. I have never seen it before.....


Active Member
not from what I have found....literally, if you were to draw a squiggly line in blue or gray...that would be my worm!


Active Member
nobody else has any idea as to what this crazy creature might have been? I have done searches on here, searches on google, and looked through my saltwater invert book...nothing. I am fairly certain that it can't be bad...other than the chromis we added a month or so ago, we haven't added anything to this tank in MONTHS! This thing must have a good hiding place as I think it has been in there for since near the beginning...and we haven't had any unusual losses in the tank.


Active Member
haven't seen this thing since, waiting with camera in hand every time the lights go on....still, nothing. Nobody has any other direction to point me in? I have done google searches for saltwater worms, I have looked at various articles on aquarium worms, etc... and have found nothing that resembles this goofy thing...


Active Member
Can you draw it?
You're just going to draw a squiggly line, aren't you?
Okay, get out your cellphone and re-inact how it was moving and upload video....... I like that one :)


Active Member
think of what a piece of string would look like in the current of the tank...only instead of a piece of string, think blue or gray fish poop (you know, when they are hanging on before they pinch off)?


Active Member
unless this piece of fish poo was possessed by some dizzy spirit...I have no idea....although, this WAS the tank that had my crazy loop-d-loo sixline wrasse a couple years back....hmmmmmmmmmm?
if it was a fish poo, the fish that left it dropped it and ran, there is NO chance that one of my fish could have dropped something this long...I felt a little inadequate with that thing floating around in there!


Active Member
well...I think I am just going to say that I have discovered a new species of worm...and I shall call it, the blue/gray loop-de-loo fish poo worm!