Blue green algae


I have begun to notice some blue green algae starting to grow on my LR. Is this a good thing or does it not really make a difference?
Id like to get your opinions on my lighting in relation to the algae. I have 2-96W 50/50 compact flourescents that are two years old, and two actinics as well. They look real bright to me still but Ive been told that old lights encourage the growth of bad types of algae. Is this accurate? If so why/why not?
My tank is a FOWLR at the moment and I am probably going to wait to upgrade it to a reef tank. What are your recomendations?
thanks to all for all your help and encouragement. Ive been really enjoying having my tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by shrkbait
I have begun to notice some blue green algae starting to grow on my LR. Is this a good thing or does it not really make a difference?
Id like to get your opinions on my lighting in relation to the algae. I have 2-96W 50/50 compact flourescents that are two years old, and two actinics as well. They look real bright to me still but Ive been told that old lights encourage the growth of bad types of algae. Is this accurate? If so why/why not?
My tank is a FOWLR at the moment and I am probably going to wait to upgrade it to a reef tank. What are your recomendations?
thanks to all for all your help and encouragement. Ive been really enjoying having my tank.

Sounds like hair algae. I think it looks good growing on the live rock.. Sorta reminds me of grass :) If you dont like it on there just pull it off..