blue green chromis now too....


Active Member
ok, I started a thread about help with my clownfish that has no responses yet and since I posted I have noticed a problem with one of my blue green chromis also. He has a white puffy blotch under his left pectoral fin right where it attatches to the body. I have soaked thier food in garlic tonight to see if that can help. I also started mixing water to do a partial water change although I really dont think its a water problem since my corals are thriving - splitting & growing like crazy! I will consult my lfs tomarrow, against my wishes....and see what they reccomend. I dont know what else to do.Im thinking maybe a FW dip for the two stressed fishes? Any ideas? Please?
temp - 79
sg - 1.025
dkh - 10.0
amm - 0
no2 - 0
no3 - 0
CA - 440
ph - 8.0


Staff member
If it is one single spot, it may not be anything that you need to be overly concerned about. However, unless you have a QT, you can't treat it in your reef tank.
What are you feeding the fish? Is he acting normal aside from the spot?


Active Member
I am feeding him brine plus and dry flake every night. He is acting totally normal other then the spot. It looks like my other clowns eyes are swelling some now though:( I do have a q tank so maybe I will puit them both in there tonight.


Staff member
I would suggest putting them in to the QT and going ahead and doing hyposalinity. Try using Maracyn Two for SW fish.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice beth!
hopefully they will come through this, its just really wierd b/c they are all acting totally normal??


Active Member
You know what, I went to my lfs today and checked out there false percs, and my fish look exactly like all the ones there. I think I maybe im just being paraniod! My one clown does have a spot on him, but other then that I think everybody is ok...
yes, I know im an idoit......


Active Member
Hey beth, it seems our thread here lost a couple of posts. Anyway I have had the clown for a couple months now and he is acting totally normal, swimming, eating, etc. The spot on his cheek did grow bigger today though. My lfs suggested me catching the fish and trying to physically remove the spot with my fingernail or something, does this sound right? As far as his age i'm not too sure but hes almost 2 inches long. Hes/shes the bigger of my two clowns by far. Thanks for your help!


Staff member
Yes, apparently there was some down time this weekend with the BB and we lost some posts.
Any chance you can get a pic?? Is the spot protruding or is like the skin but just a different color?


Active Member
the spot is protruding off the fishes cheek. It rises maybe a mm or so. Heres a pic, a blurry one, but he doesnt like to sit still or cooperate with the camera...i'll try to get a better pic & if I can ill post it. Thanks again.


Staff member
It looks like it may be a single parasite [my clown also has one but it mine is located on its side. So far, my fish has just lived with it. However, in my case, the parasite receeds for the most part and is nearly unnoticable.
Try feeding your fish food that is soaked in real garlic and see what happens.
Do you have a QT set up?


Active Member
yes I have a QT that runs full time. I was feeding him garlic soaked food for a few days and it showed no change, Now that I think about it its after I stopped that it startd to grow again. Ill try the garlic thing again and see what happens.
Thanks again,


Is the spot milky in color, kind of transparent? That is what the spot on my humbug looked like, now it is worse(see humbug photo)