Blue/green tint on glass- anyone have it?


I am going to buy this tank with bluish green tint to the glass. I think the original owner made the tank, and I'm wondering if anyone on here has glass like that. If so, does it make your fish or sand or corals look different, or is it barely noticable? Any pics? Anyone seen one and have comments, pros or cons???


Active Member
Well, typical aquarium glass ("float glass") does have a greenish tinge, and as the the glass gets thicker, this may be more noticable. But it is pretty standard and probably is not extremely noticable long term. But it lead to the popularity of "starfire" glass which is very clear. If you do some research on "float glass" you might see examples to determine if this is the tint you are seeing and if it is to be expected.


Thank you for the info. I have posted a pic of the tank, what do you think? "Float glass", or home made with green tint glass? It is a 135 or 125, I can't remember.


Active Member
I have an ancient 80 gallon tank that is ridiculously thick for a fairly small tank and it has a green tint to it. I don't like it much at all. I have a 72 bow also and when I actually have the glass clean you can hardly tell it's there. Personally, I don't think I'll ever own a tank with as much green tint as my 80.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Well, typical aquarium glass ("float glass") does have a greenish tinge, and as the the glass gets thicker, this may be more noticable. But it is pretty standard and probably is not extremely noticable long term. But it lead to the popularity of "starfire" glass which is very clear. If you do some research on "float glass" you might see examples to determine if this is the tint you are seeing and if it is to be expected.
awsome stuff. makes a HUGE difference in tank clarity. BTW if you do a search it is Starphire. up sides are its top notch glass. down side is its price!!


Active Member
Google these terms:
glass green tint aquarium ultrawhite
The first site that comes up shows the difference between float glass and starfire glass in terms of the tinge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Hmmmm...that is oddly green. More like algae or something :notsure: ?????
My 80 is at least that green with or without algae. With algae it looks like total crap really. The tank is at least 20 years old (if not older) so I think it may be a matter of lesser qualtiy glass being used at the time. I wonder if this tank is really old as well.


The lady said it is about 5 years old. Do you think it looks more green because there's no background on the tank? (and the white wall brings it out) I think $120 for the tank, stand and a filter is a darn good price, so I think I'll go for it. Only bad thing is, the hood got damaged (it's been scrapped), and there's no lighting either. I can deal with just a plain lighting setup for a little while, but if I rebuilt a new hood and put in some better lighting, it's probably going to cost more than what I'm buying this for.