Blue Hamlet?

it's chuck

I have been looking online and can't really find any info on this fish, mostly how big it gets, I am thinking of putting one in a 100G I am setting up soon his tankmates would be a Snowflake eel, red corris wrasse, black voltan lionfish, and either a yellow tang or maroon clown. Does any one see any issues with this list with him also with soft corals as I plan on adding mushrooms, zoo's and maybe some Xenia


Active Member
He would be a great fish for that tank. Typical max size is 4-5 inches, I don't see a problem with it and the other fish, minus the volitan lion which will get big enough to eat him (this is long term though). They aren't the most out going fish, preferring shelter every now and then. I should also note most of the hamlets lose their bright coloration in aquariums. One suggestion I heard is that they feed almost exclusively on blue damsels in the wild. I think this reasoning could go either way, take it or leave it FWIW. Feed a mixed diet with lots of meaty stuff. I wonder if adding a lot of spirulina could help the color stay...