Blue hermits

I am keeping score so far it's :
Blue hermits 5 snails 0
With an abundance of empty shells to choose from my crabs keep killing my snails for their shells. I understand that the snail shells must be cozy since they are broken in but sheesh. I thought these guys were supposed to be nice. I saw crab legs sticking out of the snail shell with the snail somehow still in it. The peppermint shrimp helped tag team the snail and within 2 minutes the snail was dead and out. I tried to record it on my cell but the lights made it un-watchable. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated.


Active Member
Use a hammer, crack the shell they are in, feed to lionfish... I'm seriously thinking about doing the same because they are outright mean. If you could trade them for red hermits I would do it.