I just noticed that my Blue Hippo Tang has a bubble around his eye.It kinda looks like a way to big contact lens.My parameters are okay.Can it hurt him? Sorry no picture.
Sounds like it could be the early stages of pop eye. I have never had any experience with the disease, but maybe you can do a search for it. Hopefully Beth or Terry will get to this...
Other than the eye problem there is nothing wrong with him, he eats fine,swims fine.Had a recent spike of nitrates, but are okay now. Other tank parameters are fine.No other fish are showing any signs of problems either.
What are you feeding this fish?? How long have you had him? Is he in a tank with LR??
Why did you have the nitrate problem. Have you don’t a water change resently?
I have had him for 1 month.
Yes there is LR in his tank.
I feed him flake food,frozen brine,sea veggies.
I think either my blennie died or my filter was not working.
I have done done three water changes within the past 1.5 weeks.
the hippo is acting the same and looking the same.
the parameters are as follows
ok so their not fine, but are way better than they were 4 days ago.4 days ago, I think they were up to 160!
The nitrate could actually be the problem. Especially a sudden spike. I have yet to see a tang that tolerated nitrate well. They seem to be very sensitive to it...more so than many other fish are.
Address the nitrate and keep an eye on this. Make sure this fish has a good amt of vegetabale in the diet.
Let us know any developments. You might try looking at these spots with a magnifying glass so you can get a better look at it.