Blue Hippo Sick


New Member
My blue hippo is sick, he isn't swimming much and he is not eating. It also seam like he can swim backwards. He has been like this for a couple of days now. He also has a weird spot on his side, here is a pic.
Any ideas?


Could you tell us a litle more about your tank. What size is it, how long has it been running, what else is in this tank? Also please list your exact water parameters: Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, salinity, and temp.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Could you tell us a litle more about your tank. What size is it, how long has it been running, what else is in this tank? Also please list your exact water parameters: Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, salinity, and temp.
Sure, i should have put all of that in my first post. i have a 72 bow front with a 20 gallon sump. its been up for over 2 years now and been running great. I have 2 engineer gobies, a yellow tang, snails, and some corals. ammonia is 0, nitrate is 0, nitrite is 0, temp is ~80, salinity around 1.024 and my ph is 8.2. i am not sure about the kh. I have a skimmer running and a UV sterilizer going also.
I have had the blue hippo for over a year now and he has been doing great, i had noticed about a week ago that i wasnt seeing him as much, and then a couple of days ago he looked really sick. Last night after my post he was at the top of the tank with his mouth out of the water spitting water at me i have never seen anything like this before. All of the other fish are fine, the yellow tang has been there for about 2 years and the gobies have been in there for over a year. I have not added anything new to the tank for over 6 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by landonb16
Sure, i should have put all of that in my first post. i have a 72 bow front with a 20 gallon sump. its been up for over 2 years now and been running great. I have 2 engineer gobies, a yellow tang, snails, and some corals. ammonia is 0, nitrate is 0, nitrite is 0, temp is ~80, salinity around 1.024 and my ph is 8.2. i am not sure about the kh. I have a skimmer running and a UV sterilizer going also.
I have had the blue hippo for over a year now and he has been doing great, i had noticed about a week ago that i wasnt seeing him as much, and then a couple of days ago he looked really sick. Last night after my post he was at the top of the tank with his mouth out of the water spitting water at me i have never seen anything like this before. All of the other fish are fine, the yellow tang has been there for about 2 years and the gobies have been in there for over a year. I have not added anything new to the tank for over 6 months.
wierd hat have you been feeding? malnutrition?
btw avoid the tang police!
how big is he? is the tank a 4 ft? maybe stress from tht?


Active Member
Like Sepulatian asked, I am also wondering if you have any anemones or strong stinging corals in your tank.


New Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Like Sepulatian asked, I am also wondering if you have any anemones or strong stinging corals in your tank.

No i don't have anything that would sting the tangs, i have many Candy Cane Corals and Mushroom Polyps.
Any tips on getting him to eat?
Thanks again, Landon


Originally Posted by landonb16
No i don't have anything that would sting the tangs, i have many Candy Cane Corals and Mushroom Polyps.
Any tips on getting him to eat?
Thanks again, Landon
Take a look at his mouth, does it seem swollen at all? Any redness around the gills? It seems odd that after a year he would stop eating. Check for any infections. To entice his eating try soaking some Nori sheets in fresh garlic. Again I think there is an underlying reason why he isn't eating. Not to be the "Tang Police" but the 72 realy is not big enough for the YT and the hippo. It could also be that he is now larger than when you got him and is starting to feel the effects of a smaller environment. When hippos get stressed they show it.