Blue Hippo Tang compatible with Picasso Trigger?


New Member
My girlfriend and I set up a 55 gallon tank several months ago. We added live rock and let it cycle for about 6 weeks before adding any critters. We added a small cleanup crew. Then we added fish at least 3 weeks apart in this order:
damsel (blue fin, yellow back)
pajama cardinal
percula clownfish
royal gramma
All have been doing fine and the tests for PH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are normal. The nitrate has always been under 10. I added an arrow crab a couple days ago... then my girlfirend goes to the LFS and they had a blue hippo tang that was about an 1" long, so she just had to bring it home, even though she knows from reading this board that it will outgrow the tank.
Anyway, I have an empty 90 gallon tank that I'm setting up as soon as I move (just bought a house) next month. I want more than anything to have a Picasso trigger (had one around 1990 and loved it). If the tang outgrows the 55 could it live safely with trigger fish? I for sure want the Picasso but was also thinking of getting a clown trigger too.
What do you think? It will be a few months before the tank will be ready but I'm just thinking ahead for when the tang gets too large for the 55.
By the way, in the late eighties while I was in college I had a roommate who had a blue tang in a 29 gallon for the whole school year. He also had a yellow tang, black trigger, puffer and clown. Not condoning his actions, but the fish did all live and of course this was before some of us knew better (thanks to the internet). We also had undergravel filters with no live rock!
Thanks for any advice about mixing a blue tang with triggerfish.


New Member
Thanks very much for the response. Unfortunately I've already bought the tank, but might see if I can return it and buy a 125 gallon. The 90 is an acrylic tank that's curved on the end (in front), which gives it a neat look, but I didn't realize that the length of the tank was the most important factor. It is 4' like you said.