Blue Hippo Tang Question


We have a blue hippo tang in our aquarium, and it seems in the last 4 months or so he has been trying to squeeze in the smallest spots between rocks or under them, and he is cutting himself all up, is this normal? He's starting to look bad from doing it.


Active Member
I agree. Mine likes to sleep in tight crevices. I'm going to attach a picture I took tonight of it sleeping between a powerhead and the clip that keeps it in place with suction cups.
Just make sure it doesn't have ich. Small scratches are okay but if you have many little spots that look like grains of salt the fish should be treated. Fish with ich will start out scratching themselves on rocks. Mine did this when it had ich but now primarily only does it in the evening.


Active Member
normal, they like to go places that are tight.. to feel secure, mine higes all the time, if anyone rememebrs my post about mine getting ina barnicle back in liek october, he was in there for a good 3 hours, and i was worried endless, but then he came out, they get in there.. they'll get out