Blue Hippo tang: small, medium, show???


Active Member
SWF sells blue hippos that are small, med, and show..
The care level for small is "moderate" and the care level for medium is "easy". Are the bigger ones truly more hardy? Is it worth the extra $$ to get the larger one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
SWF sells blue hippos that are small, med, and show..
The care level for small is "moderate" and the care level for medium is "easy". Are the bigger ones truly more hardy? Is it worth the extra $$ to get the larger one?
I have heard lots of people say their mortality rate is high when they are under 3". Stress easily and hard to get to eat. Would depend on the enviroment it is going into. And the time you put into making sure it eats and grazes well.JMHO
. I have a 1 1/2" that is very active and eats like a pig. I keep nori with garlic and feed twice a day rotating other foods, mostly frozen. She never stops eating and my foxface defends her. The only thing that occationally will go at her is the royal gramma because she is bigger right now. I have only had her for 2weeks so my jury is still out. So far so good.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Also depends on tank mates and if you have tangs in there already. These tangs are timid and shy will hide if aggressive fish bother it. I have one raised from the size of quarter started in a 20gal mini reef w/ one clown fish. since moved to my 135gal. fish only tank 3yrs old now. They grow fast.


I put a few hippos the size of a dime in my 210 and have never run and hid. They school together and do great, none of the other tangs have tried to do anything to them but I think that is based on the fact that they are a lot bigger. They all eat like pigs and run around with fat little bellies, lol.
I bought them small, but I would suggest buying them from a trusted LFS IMO, and make sure they do eat.


how fast do they grow? and what exactly do you feed it? i bought one the size of a quarter. sorry if i kinda hi-jacked you thread Hefner


Active Member
this was june 06'

and 10 month later april 07'

he ate anything put in the tank including algae sheets from day one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dabudkrew
what kind of fish is that black one?
Acanthurus japonicus aka powder brown tang


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
this was june 06'

and 10 month later april 07'

he ate anything put in the tank including algae sheets from day one.

Sorry not meaning to hijack your thread, but is it OK to have a hippo and powder brown in the same tank????


Active Member
Originally Posted by codylowe
Sorry not meaning to hijack your thread, but is it OK to have a hippo and powder brown in the same tank????
you can put pretty much any other non super aggressive tang (sohal, clown, grown orange shoulder are no no's for example) with a hippo as long as the hippo is there 1rst.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
you can put pretty much any other non super aggressive tang (sohal, clown, grown orange shoulder are no no's for example) with a hippo as long as the hippo is there 1rst.
I wish yellows weren't aggressive!


i heard if you turn off the lights before introducing new fish the yellow tang will never know about it. but i have never done it so i dont know if it works


Active Member
all depends on the YT. I figure if the light trick works, then it probably would have left it alone either way. I have a split tank - two different sides connected by horizontal tubes. I separated the two sides, so the copperband would be all alone for a couple weeks - getting fully established in it's new home. Well, as soon as the separation was gone, the YT went right after it. Oh well...