Blue Hippo Tang with ick


what to do i just got him about 3 days ago and now he had ick all my other fish are healthy


Active Member
take it out of your display and qt and hope it didn't infect all your other fish or qt everything. Or, if your system is stable and healthy feed it well and hope it pulls through. Look into garlic not as a cure but as an aid.


Active Member
Smash up fresh garlic cloves and soak the fish food in it, it is said to help. Do you have a qt for the fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cooqie
i dont have a qt
Go to the Disease and Treatment forums, theres so many threads about ick and treatment.


Originally Posted by Cooqie
what to do i just got him about 3 days ago and now he had ick all my other fish are healthy
chances are you had ick in your tank to begin with. even though your fish didn't show signs of it, the fish were probably stress free and healthy which is why they didn't have ick. then when you add a fish such as a hippo which are prone to ick, it was stressed when you added him and the slime coating of the fish thinned out enough for the ick to latch on. my experience with fish is that if you make the water quality as perfect as you can make it, make sure the salinity is at least 1.024 then he should show signs of recovery. the higher salinity makes fish less stressed because that's what they're use to in the wild even though it makes it easier for ick to live. i'd also invest in either a cleaner shrimp or a neon goby or both because i'm sure every now and again you'll have a spot or two come up on the fish. these ick removing animals will keep it in check and also help to destress the fish.


Originally Posted by Cooqie
so if i put my salinity to 1.024 it should help?
it'll definitely help, but do it slowly. you could also do 10 percent water changes often.


leave him alone and feed him food soaked in garlic extreme or garlic guard.
ick rarely takes out a fish, death usually is due to stress from the owner freaking out (chasing the fish with a net, hypo'ing them, adding copper etc.)
neon gobies or a cleaner shrimp will do nothing. they mainly eat the dead skin off fish
neon gobies are extremely ich prone also
what is your salinity now?


Originally Posted by squirreloso
leave him alone and feed him food soaked in garlic extreme or garlic guard.
neon gobies or a cleaner shrimp will do nothing. they mainly eat the dead skin off fish
neon gobies are extremely ich prone also
what is your salinity now?
i beg to differ. they help out a lot.


both will feed off parasites but mainly it is the dead skin they are going after.
does it help? maybe just a teansy bit
not all fish want to be cleaned either


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirreloso
leave him alone and feed him food soaked in garlic extreme or garlic guard.
ick rarely takes out a fish, death usually is due to stress from the owner freaking out (chasing the fish with a net, hypo'ing them, adding copper etc.)
neon gobies or a cleaner shrimp will do nothing. they mainly eat the dead skin off fish
neon gobies are extremely ich prone also
what is your salinity now?
Use fresh garlic and skip the store bought products...they will lose potency the longer the sit on the shelves.


crushed cloves itself wont be "wet" enough to soak foods in.
you need garlic oil. whether its from the drugstore or the petstore
it doesnt lose its effectiveness, it is sealed tight. as soon as you open it you get knocked over by the strong garlic smell, its powerful
a small bottle only cost 6 dollars


Originally Posted by Cooqie
could i just use garlic they sell in the supermarket?
some supermarkets will sell garlic juice or garlic capsules. break open the capsule and it will be filled with garlic oil
read the ingredients to make sure its pure garlic and nothing crazy has been added to it, which is why i only like to use garlic meant for aquarium use


is there a petsmart near you? petsmart carries garlic extreme, it cost a bit more than garlic guard though.
***** didnt sell any garlic stuff at all.
a few local petstores may carry it as well
if not thatpet sells the small bottle of garlic guard
as long as hes eating he will make it until you add the garlic to his food. ick drops on and off, as long as your hippo isnt stressed out he should be able to handle the ick.
the garlic in time will confuse the heck outta the ick and they wont be able to smell a fish host, and if they do the taste of garlic wont let them hitch on for long


You are getting all of the wrong info here. Parts of the advice are correct, but most of what I have read for your replies are very off. Please post in Disease and Treatment. We will walk you through what needs to be done.