Blue Hippo Tang with the yellow belly


Active Member
Well I just noticed this fish and now im in love. I have been trying to stay away from the same fish that everyone else has and this one looks a little different compared to the original Dori fish.
Problem is, I cant find them anywhere. Everyone is out of stock and doesnt even sell them.


Active Member
Don't be stealing my fish idea!
I saw one in Minneapolis and wife and I feel in love with the fish that was not for sale. I have seen them occasionally on the 2 doctors site in the wysiwyg fish section for about 100 bucks --- but it's still winter here and I refuse to have anythign shipped wintertime (yes april and we're fighting floods and blizzards STILL
My LFS can order them in -- check with yours as it is something they can probably special order in for you... good luck :D


Active Member
Yea I am going to call later this morning to see if they can order some.
If not, I have a couple sites that are supposed to email me.


Active Member
AND they are only a few bucks more then the originals
but from what I have read I guess they are not even related they are completely different tangs


Active Member
They are out of africa.... I would think they are at least distant cousins if not directly related ;)
Prices I've seen are about 100 bucks... the actual dories I've seen go 40 - 105 so ehh.. kinda close.
Beautiful fish though.


Active Member
I know how you feel about the weather. I was impatient and ordered my calvuses from New York and I live in Oregon in the dead of December.
Went to pick them up at the airport and their water was freezing cold. They layed on the bottom of the tank for awhile but luckily everyone survived.
Its a risk I am not willing to take anymore.
About what time of the year can you start ordering over there?


Active Member
I like to stick with states near me like California, Oregon and Washington.
I was a little leary and ordered from Florida and surprisingly they made it better then someone from oregon who only lives a few hours away.
I guess it depends on how well they package things


Active Member
The WYSIWYG from the 2 docs comes out of Wisconsin I believe -- so much closer to me than Florida or California. I should just move back to Florida on the gulf