Blue Hippo Tang


New Member
I have a blue hippo tang in a QT, he has been in there for 2 weeeks. I do have some live rock in there just because i had too much in my DT, but anyways he has been hiding every second of everyday.
Is this normal? I am kinda worried that he is too stressed out and not goin to make it. He is the only fish in there, i just dont know what the problem is.
Should i take some rock out and just out in a pvc pipe?
Help me out .. i dont want to lose him.


Hippos do like to hide in the rock.
Have you noticed if it eats or not?
It is most likely not something to worry about.
If you have WAY to much rock then maybe remove some
Hippos like room and normally will swim in the open areas,at least mine does,but he will dart into his favorite hiding space in the rocks when he feels threatened.
How big is the QT tank?


Staff member
How are your water readings doing in that tank?
If he is clear of problems by the 3rd week, then he can be moved to the display. Just be sure there is not ich. Use a magnifying glass every day to check him over.