Blue hippo tang


I would like to get a blue hippo tang. I have a 120, which is not set up yet. I will be setting it up in a few months (this winter). Currently I have a 30 gallon reef. I found a very small blue hippo tang for sale (14.00) and its small, about 1.5 inchs. Wouldnt this be ok in my 30 for a few months. I know on saltwater it says you need at least a 40 gallon. It would be for a short time. Also, how many tangs could I have in my 120? I would like 2...a blue hippo and powder blue...
Thanks for your help....


Active Member
but, a lot of people will tell you not to get a fish you dont have the proper size tank for, i would recommend that you wait until you have the 120 set up, simply because u never know whats going to happen, something might come up that will keep the 120 from being set up on time. so, while it could work, you would probably be better off waiting til you have the 120 set up.


good point...thanks for your help! I have already started to get the tank ready to set up. I thought while the tank is cycling...i could put the tang in the 30 for a hospital tank until im ready for the switch.
Thanks guys


The smaller tangs are in general more difficult to get to accept frozen foods and tend to be more susceptible to disease, just a thought.


when i got my hippo tang i had him in my 30g QT for almost 2 months. i was having problems with all my readings after one of my fish got eaten. so he had to wait an extra month to be safe. he seemed happy in the tank all by himself. it was a good time for me to train him to eat the algee off of my algee clip. he wouldnt eat it until i slowly started training him to find it.


Active Member
It's already been said, but be careful with juveniles. They are more susceptible to stressors and are harder to care for in general. Be sure there are no aggressors that might even look funny at it, and make sure you have plenty of flow and an open top tank so that the water is plenty oxygenated. Feed with vitamins and garlic at every opportunity... and yes, watch out for the common ailments such as ich and HLLE. Good luck.