Blue Hippo Tang


We just bought a lil one last Friday. The last couple of days he's been rubbin up against the rocks-is this normal? He's starting to get lil white lines on his body from rubbing up on the rocks. Any experiance with that? Thank!


Active Member
Ich is a parasite.. you probably just introduced it to your tank bringing in the new fish without quaratining it.

eric b 125

how can you be positive this fish has ich when 1) you havent seen pics of said fish and 2) hippo tangs are prone to discoloration in general (i.e. they will be pale when the lights first come on in the a.m.)
did you qt this fish? if not, are the discolorations raised white bumps that look like sand granules stuck to the fish, or does it just look like pale area's. what else is in the tank?


Active Member
a pic would help. give it a few days to a week. blue hippos will at times rub against objects even without icks.