Blue Hippo


My blue hippo has ich. I am treating it right now. The question I have is, do blue hippo always rub there self against rocks? or does it have something else wrong with it as well?


Active Member
you must now quarenteen all fish and wait out the life cycle of ich in main tank.... as any host will refurbish the lifecycle. think of it as a case of the flu.


New Member
Before you stress all of your livestock out by trying to take them all out, how long has your hippo tang been in your tank.
I have kept tangs for several years now. I have never had a QT tank. Tangs almost always get ich. I have 6 tangs in my tank right now, including two hippos. Three of them got ich. I kept feeding them twice a day, gave algae sheets, and now they are all healthy and swimming fine.
I know this goes against many people here, but I don't beleive in QT's unless there is an extreme case of something. I have talked to many other hobbyist that have been in this for 20+ years, some will say it does more harm than good taking a fish out of the tank (stress), and some say it has helped them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyaqua
How big is your tank and what else is in it
plus you said your treating it. How or with what are you doing to treat it.


Active Member
I agree with sig. Especially when it comes to tangs.
If they are still active and eating provide food with a garlic supplement and hope for the best. Do not treat the display tank with any medications. The move to a QT, especially one that is not well established can be enough stress to put the fish over the edge.
If your other fish are healthy and well nourished odds are there immune systems will fight of the parasite.
All of this is conditional on the assumption of perfect water quality. If you levels are off in any way, that alone can be stress enough for your other fish to be susceptible to the parasite also.
Good luck.


one problem. I already treated the main tank. I do not have a QT and do not have to money to buy one yet. it will be a few weeks