Blue Hippo


Help! My Blue Hippo that I have had for months is not looking good at all today. He has a Big bump on his head and his color is fading. I did a water change yesturday. I have a 75 gal. tank with just fish. Also, a clown and a royal gramma. My water tests fine. I noticed his color fading a couple days ago but I didn't see that huge bump till today. I would very much appreciate any help-fast! I love that fish! <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Well, the bump is not real huge I guess but it is almost as big as his eye. It is on is head behind his eye(not touching his eye) It looks like it is hard. It is a pale white color. I let my water change go for longer than I ever have, I hope I did hurt him. Its been over a month. I have been feeding him Marine flakes, freeze dried plankton and seaworm supreme (prosalt) I also have pro V 100% veg. but he hasn't had that lately.