blue jaw trigger help!


well i post this yesterday on reefcentral and havent got much response. Hopefully someone on here can help me:
"I woke up this morning and found my male blue jaw trigger spinning/rolling in the qt tank. Hes currently in the qt tank with the female which to appear normal. I have no clue on what is wrong with him. I purchased him a week ago, and hes been very shy and hiding since. What is this disease? Bladder infection? Help Thanks-Mike'
the only respponse i got was this:
"First Mike, I'm very glad you're using a qt.
Swimming disorder symptoms are challenging to diagnose. I don't know how much I can help.
Water quality in quarantine is hard to maintain. Make sure all your analyses result in acceptable levels.
In general I've only had two fish (less than 0.1%) with a symptom you have described. They died. I only autopsied one of these two. I found some sort of attachments to two of its internal organs. Perhaps best described as cysts. I didn't identify it, nor am I sure it contributed to the fish's symptom or death.
I would treat the symptom with internal medications. I have no idea which one(s) to recommend. No treatment is going to be friendly to the unaffected fish, which is usually a good reason to qt one fish at a time.
The down side to this recommended treatment is that such medications need to be swallowed. I assume your fish not interested in eating at all, at this time.
I'm sorry I don't have better news. "
The blue jaw is still doing the same thing and his body seems to be bent. Im treating him with marcyn 2 rite now but doesnt look like it will help. Any suggestion? Its a sad sight.


Staff member
Did this just suddenly happen? He was fine one day, and then suddenly the problem appearred? How long have you had this fish?
How is his breathing? Notice any parasites? More details needed.


Update: I had this fish for 2 weeks now and its been in a hospital tank with its wife. But I give his healthy wife to my friend for safe measures. The male trigger has now stop spinning, which did happen over night about a couple of days ago. He is a little wobbly and eating. I feed it mysis and he went 1 cm to the left of the food and tried to grab it. So hes still a little disorientated. No visible parasites. He seems to be improving though

scu ba

Originally Posted by COWabonga
Update: I had this fish for 2 weeks now and its been in a hospital tank with its wife.

You would be doing that to if you married a female triggerfish!


Active Member
Can you list the water parameters in your QT?
What is your pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity, and temperature?


Active Member
can you post your water parameters?? the cause can be any number of reasons. however, i had this happen to me when i qted in an uncycled qt(it was an emergency qt) and the ammonia shot up really high.