Blue Jaw Trigger


Just bought one of these guys, he's very active and and seems healthy but doesn't seem interested in eating (I've had him 6 days). I've tried frozen brine shrimp and squid so far...any suggestions. Also, can this guy be kept with a huma-huma?


Active Member
try silversides, blackworms, clams, and krill. i wouldnt put it in with a picasso as the blue line is very mellow and could be picked on by the picasso. bo


Thanks bo, what kind of tank mates will work with this guy? Could I keep him with some of the larger Angels?


Active Member
any agressives, that wont pick on him. these are the most timid of all triggers, and dont stand up too well against larger more agressive fish. at my lfs, they keep these guys in the tank with clownfish and have never had a problem. they dont put them in the agressive tanks because they did that once and a blue jaw got killed by a niger. what size tank do you have him in? he MIGHT work with a larger angel, i dont reccomend this though. the angels need real good water and these guys---although mellow are triggers, and therefore are messy eaters. any larger/medium sized fish that wont pick on him (triggers, some wrasses [lunare], etc.) depending on your tank size, i would day he would do good in an agressive tank with a radiatta/antenna lion, snowflake eel/ non agressive eel. bo
[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: Grouperhead ]
i wonuldnt put him with a piccaso for the same reason as noted above, but u could put a large tang wit him, maybe and i say maybe a large angel if ur water quality is good enough. puffers, eels, lionfish too groupers maybe. al;ll depends on the size of ur tank


They aren't as timid as people say, I have had Nigers,and Blue jaws before and the blue jaws are more aggressive. I couldn't put my hand in the tank without getting bit! Mine was with 1blue face angel,1maculosis angel,1niger trigger,1sohal tang,1harlequin tusk,and a clown wrasse,in a 90 gallon tank,he was the first fish in the tank.


I was told this guy was reef safe but if he will cause water quality problems because of his eating habits is it really a good idea to have him in a reef tank? The tank is a 90 gal w/ 120 # LR. This will become a reef tank in the near future. Should I consider taking him back??


Active Member
no triggers are reef safe. if you put him in there, he will eat your shrimps, corals, and other inverts. go ahead and put him in a fowlr agressive/semi agressuve. just dont put him in your reef, or he will have a feast. bo