blue koran angel ?


i have a blue koran angel that is about 2 1/2 inches long. i have had him since july. he had a very good coloring to him until recently when he became to dull out. he did have some cloudy eye issues which started a few weeks back but seems to be getting better. is it that or the fact that he is ending his juvenile stage?????? any thoughts woud be appreciated! brian.


Active Member
What exactly do you mean by "dulling out". If he is changing from juvi to adult you will see his adult lines coming in. If he is just getting a duller color that isn't good. What are you feeding him?


he likes krill, brine, pellets, spirulina in flake form as well as frozen. he has bene eating great. i am assuing then its from whatever he had wrong with him to get cloudy eyes. i guess i will keep an eye on him since i was pretty sure he is too small to be changing stages already. thanks for the input.


Active Member
What is in the tank with him? Fish tend to dull due to a variety of reasons...of these, nutritional lacking, stress, disease, and so on. If your fish had cloudy eye issues, this is probably the cause for the dullness. You may go into the disease thread and present it to those folks.