Blue Leg Hermit - M.I.A. - Help!


I just bought a blue leg hermit along with a scarlet hermit and two austrea snails yesterday. I woke up this morning at 6:00AM and they were all there, still eating algea off my live rock. Then I left for work. Wife got up at 7:00AM and blue leg hermit M.I.A. . I got home at 6:00PM and wife told me she had been looking for it all day (around the tank, in the tank, shoes, etc.) but has been unable to locate it.
I have turned over rocks in my tank (only 6# worth) and looked in every hole on them, but nothing. He was only about a 1/2 inch big. All my filter tubes have too small of slits in them for him to be sucked through, so I did not bother looking in filters.
I have no fish in the tank, just the two snails and the two hermit crabs, so I know nothing like that ate him. I even tried sifting through the sand a little to see if he baried himself to hid, but nothing. Can't even find an empty shell.
Anyone have any ideas where he might have gone?
P.S. I should also note that all my filter tubes are not within reach from any rock or decoration, so climbing out is pretty much eliminated.
Are blue leg hermits known for digging and hiding in the sand? I only had him for a day and I miss him already.


After I finished writing this I went to look for him again. Walla!! Now he was sitting back on top of my LR again. I have no idea where he was hiding out at. My guess is I overlooked a hole in the LR when I was looking for him.
After reading all the posts on here about what kind of S.O.B.'s these little guys are with other hermits and snails, I was almost glad he was M.I.A., but now that I found him, I will keep him for now. If he starts killing everything, then he's outta here!!


yes they are sneaky and my blue legs killed all my scarlets but ONE (and i had like 10-15)for their shells so i would keep my eye on him!:yes:


Active Member
provide extra shells and don't overstock hermits and youll be ok. yes you can overstock your cleanup crew......


I bought my LR from ***** in woodbury. They had a sale on it if you have the ***** card. $6.79 a pound for Fiji with the ***** card. Not the best LR (no living hitchhickers) but the piece I got does have three sponges growing on it. I only bought 6# of it to get my tank cycled. I will get more later, but from somewhere else though.
P.S. I checked out Something Fishy yesterday and almost every fish in their saltwater tanks were flipping of the rocks. I think all their fish have ICK. I will not be buying from them. Their prices were alot higher than Forest Lake Pets too. I will stick with Forest Lake Pets. Their tanks may be overrun with algea, but at least all there tanks were full of living creatures and healthy looking fish. World Of Fish were very high in price also and there fish looked under fed (sunken bellies), so I won't shop there either. There is still one shop in MPLS. on chicago ave. I want to check out and one in Shakopee I wan't to look at yet too. Have you been to either of those two?


I got plenty of extra shells in the tank for them to move into. My blue leg just moved into a new shell sometime last night.
My scarlet looks like his shell grows with him (it's red like him). Do they move to new shells also or do there shells grow with them like snails?


The store on Chicago is Aqualand and it is pretty nice, the people there really know what they are talking about, their LR doesn't look that great but if you go after they get their shipment they have some nice fish, and they are reasonably priced....I went to something fishy yesterday and didn't notice anything wrong with their fish but they were unpacking a shipment when I was there....they do have the best LR i have seen in town though(VERY EXPENSIVE) but it has life, I have not been to the place in shakopee, let me know the name of it and where it is located, I might have to check it out....WOF is too overpriced, I don't usually shop there...Do you know if all ***** stores sell LR???


The only ***** I found that had live rock was the one in woodbury off of 694 & 10th. I havn't really checked out any other except the one by my house in Maplewood, and they do not carry LR (at least I have never seen any there).
The shop in shakopee is called Sea Dreams (it's really in Savage). Their web address is Http:// . Have you ever checked out Exotic & Aquatics?