blue leg hermits

are blue leg hermits good for a reef .. i have a 30 gal and i am worried would they harm my feather duster or anemone.. and are they good for a fish only with some live rock .. thanks all

old hermit

they are fine in my tank with my corals. get some bigger shells to lay around for them or they will kill other hermits for there shell like mine did. :D

nm reef

Active Member
I personally like them and have never had a problem with them...matter of fact I recently added several to each of my systems. Some folks knock them as vicious murders....but mine have been kewl. I also keep scarlets without problems.....just watch them and be sure to provide extra shells.....and don't freak when they find a dead or dieing creature....cause they will actively and eficiently scavenge!!!!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
IMHO, blue legs are one of the worst hermits for the reef aquarium. you are better off getting the red legs. they will do less damage to the tank. ;)
Personally I don't like them. The last bunch I had never ate any of my corals, etc. But they did mess with all the corals enough to where they never want to open.


Mine seem to leave my corals alone but i'd keep an eye on them if you want snails, they wont have a problem with takin the snails shell w/o asking! If you get them be sure to get extra shells though!