blue legged crabs?


so how bad are they? SWF has an invert package that i would like to get but it has 15 glue legged crabs, and they wont let me substitute. ive read a bunch of bad stuff about them. would they be ok in a fish only tank? it would be a 37 gallon tank with (eventually) a royal gramma, blue spotted watchman goby, flame angel and bicolor blennie. i also have 20 lbs of LR. would they do ok, or would they kill my other crabs, and maybe some fish? oh and i also want to have a couple types of shrimp.


Active Member
Some hate them and some say they are ok.
Personaly I have had no major problems with them. I had 10 about four months and have so far lost 2 because of fighting. Also they do not bother any of my snails.

nm reef

Active Member
I got 20 blue legs in packages from this site for each of my 55's(reef&fowlr/ls) date they've not been a problem....seems a few of the numbers have dwindled in the past 4 months or so......but not any real problems with blue legs to speak of. I'd add more if I ever need to.Matter of fact I'm considering adding a small package of blue legs....scarlets and astro snails to my reef.....just haven't made the order yet. Waiting on approval for a minor change.......If I get the requested change I'm getting another batch to suppliment my reef.


I have about 40 in my tank, and so far no problems....if you get them from here, they are so small, I don't know how they could be any problems with a fish only tank. Just make sure to put extra shells in the tank, so when they grow they can change shells.


Hello,I'm not a big fan of the blue legs.This site seems to sell them with every package that i would buy,for that reason i go elsewhere.


Active Member
I dont like the blue legs, they do hunt snails and I have seen larger ones try to take over a scarlets shell.


I have several blue leggs and it seems that everything goes ok for about a month then they decide to go after my turbo snails. I buy a few more snails and everything is sailing along and bingo they go after them again. Any one with a suggestion, I too like the snails, because they keep the glass clean. This is a 40 gal f/o. Thanks


IMO i think the blue legs and red legs are about the same, they will both take down a snail but there has to be something wrong with the snail in the first place. Good Luck