Blue Lights


Active Member
How big is your tank? I use the Orbit PC fixture that gives you white, blue, and moon light LED's. There is a switch for each type of light on the fixture and the cost isn't too bad in comparison. Just take the length and width dimensions for the top of your tank and pick the one that fits best.


I have a 100g long tank I replaced the original bulbs with some blue ones (marine glow) :notsure: i bought at my lfs. no green alge has grown on my rocks only have brown on sand. My 30 gallon has has green alge growing on it ( but it has a diffrent bulb bright light) not blue bulb. Could it be the bulb keeping the alge from growing having it that dark all the time. :needhelp:


I am setting up a 120 gallon tank, mostly fish but a few inverts. Is there any light or color of light that should be avoided?