blue or red leg crabs?



I was just wondering which is better for a reef tank, or would both kinds together be best?


Active Member
i always here of people putting the two together so i would have to say both but in case i am wrong i would say the red usually they are bigger hence eating more algae and stuff like that this is my opinion


I, along with alot of other people, don't like blue leg crabs because they have a tendency to be really agressive. Not a threat to fish really, but they are known for killing snails and eachother. Red legs seem to be more passive and they do a great job cleaning up.


I just gave away my blue legs. They were killing each other, my red legs, my zebras and some snails. Go with the red legs!!


I would definitely agree with cosmo. I have witnessed two murders already. I tried to break one fight up, but they wouldn't let go of each other. The blue legs are definitely too agressive. When I get a chance, I will return my blue legs and get some red legs.


I agree as well. I got rid of my blue's when one killed a snail. The scarlets never have bothered a thing.


I bought all red legs because it seems to be the consensious on this site but I have to say in the last thre days I saw them eat a turbo snail and I just found an arm from a scarlett on the bottom. They seem to wrestle a lot. I haven't had too many blue legs so I can'tr really tell you the difference but my scarletts seem to be fairly aggresive.


Active Member
Ditto what the general concensus here says. I have many many red leg scarlett hermits in my tank. I only bought those because of the nightmare stories I hear about blue legs and others.
So far my scarletts have been a great in my tank. They have yet to kill anything, including each other and snails. I keep some spare shells lying around the DSB so they have a home readily available.
I hear bluelegs fight with each other, kill snails, and just are nasty little buggers.
As far as scarletts and doing their job as a cleanup crew, I have no complaints. I see them everywhere in the tank, including on the DSB sometimes. They are amazing algae eaters, and detritus eaters. Just seem like good all around assets to me. I plan on buying more. :cool:

salty rick

I have been more pleased wit the redlegged than bluelegged. The redlegged seem to work harder. I haven't had any problem with the blues because they are about half the size of the reds.