Blue or Red leg hermits???


Anyone have any good input on which type of hermits to get??? I have had both blue and red leg hermits in the past but is there any advantage of getting one over the other???


Active Member
If you're talking about cleaning, there's no difference IMO. Reds have a more peaceful track record than blues though.


Active Member
I have about 30 blue legs and 4 scarlets. I personally like my blues, just because they are about 1/4" each. Sure is funny at feeding time.


I have some of both but I prefer the blues. I've had fewer losses with blues than reds & they are more active & fun to watch. The only red hermit I like is the one with tiny feather dusters stuck on it's shell.


If your looking for ACTIVE hermits, try Zebra Hermits, or Tri-Color Hermits... Scarlets, Red legs, and Blue hermits dont move a whole bunch.
Unlike this happy little guy>


Active Member
scarlets get huge though dont they? im pretty sure they do, and can be destructive to your rockwork. I have one scarlet and a bunch of blues, as well as other different kinds. I have more blues mainly because they are 2 bucks while scarlets are 4. They are also much smaller, but do grow. But arent scarlets carniverous while blue legs are omnivours? I thought i had heard that somewhere... i may be mistaken though.


Active Member
Scarlets get just as big as blue legged. I personally have lost a couple scarlets and they seem slightly more fragile than blue legs.. just my experience.. but I really do not see much difference in the two. I have like 10 blue legged and 5 scarlets in my tank atm.. all seem to do their equal share. I also have one zebra somehow and a halloween hermit... halloween is my favorite only because he looks sexy =c) (halloweens get pretty good sized.)


Active Member
I've got blues bigger than scarlets. You are thinking of some of the other "red" hermits... some of those get REALLY HUGE, like too big for your tank. Scarlets and blue legs are both considered "dwarfs". They get only to an inch or so.
All that said, they both are kinda boring. I like Orange Claw hermits the best. Blue-knuckles and zebras are tied for second in my preference.
Hawaiian Zebra Hermit, Calcinus laevimanus

Orange Claw Hermit, Calcinus tibicen

I don't have a picture of my blue-knuckle, sorry.