Blue/Pink Spotted Watchman Goby


About a month ago I purchased a blue/pink spotted watchman goby. A week later my scooter blenny, my small cleaner shrimp, and 4 snails were found in pieces. This was shocking to me considering I'ver never lost anything in that much of abundance. Yesterday I purchased a small cleaner shrimp and when I woke up this morning and it was no where to be found. My tank also contains, 2 tangs, 1 damsel, 1 mandarin, 2 clowns, 1 lawnmower.
Question: Can I conclude that my watchman is eating all my cleaner shrimp? Should I add another, but just make sure it's very large? Or just get rid of the little booger?


Active Member
pink blues are nasty territorial gobies.
i had one that was bout 3" long. it flushed out a pistol shrimp and chomped it in half. yes, a pistol shrimp that it is supposed to be symbiotic with.
i saw it aggressive towards my coral beauty, my clowns, etc. i definitely would point my finger to the shrimpgoby IF you know you have no mantis shrimp


i don't imagine that it ate a scooter blenny, since they have toxic skin and most things always leave them alone. as for the cleaner shrimp, i suppose it's possible. my watchman tries to take out a hermit crab every once in a while. you may have to decide what you want to keep more; watchman or a cleaner shrimp.