Blue pistol shrimp


I found this picture on the net and was wondering if anyone had an ID and if they are available for the home aquarium. I would love a pistol shrimp that looks like this.

I'm thinking of a pistol/goby combo for a 12 gallon and I have purple rocks (coraline) and gold sand, so I want a fish and shrimp that will stand out. I though about a bullseye pistol, but they don't pair and I think are more aggressive. Anyone have any other ideas?


That has awesome coloring, I have never seen one like it. The problem you will probably discover is that you will never see your pistol. It will stay in its burrow nearly all the time. I see mine maybe once a week and that's only if I stare at the burrow long enough.


Active Member
i have a tiger pistol shrimp and i see it every time i feed my fish. it grabs a piece of food and goes back into its burrow until next feeding time. but if u get a goby combo then u will see it a lot more.