Blue Powder Tang


Is it possible to house 2 blue powder tangs in the same tank? My tank and inhabitants is on my sign. I want a tang, and yellows are just too damn common.


2 of the same tang in the a 55 gallon is a death almoast gaurenteed! Powder blues are large tangs and thats even pushing it in a 55 gallon with one. With 2 they will fight and not have enough swimming space.


Active Member
I think if you had a 125 gallon tank or bigger you could hold two powder blues, but not in a 55. I wouldnt put ONE in a 55 for an extended amount of time.


A 55 is way too small. I have had my PBT for 6 months now in a 200 with only a yellow tang and some damsels. They need quite a bit of space and a 6 foot tank is the minimum. These fish are territorial and need lots of LR. I think the reason for my success is my PBT has the tank to himself and no obnoxious tank mates.


powder blues are very suseptable to ick. I have a small naso in my 55 so I am and I have seen powder blues his size and smaller so yeah you could keep one in there for a while BUT it would probably be stressed out quite a bit and they are very touchy in the first place without the added stress of a small tank.
They are happiest in large reef tanks.


Active Member
A PB in a 55 is pretty questionable. i would have to say nil. I have a funny story about PB's though. My girl and i went to the Denver zoo, and they have an aquarium set up (not sure on the gallons) but they had two PB's in it and all they ever did was chase each other around a huge piece of staghorn coral. I think they liked each other cause they didnt do it in a harmful way, just a sort of playful, courtship ritual, but i am not kiddign i laughed my @$$ off, cause they would chase one way for about a minute, then stop and go the other way. It was sooo funny. and they are a truly beautiful fish!
good luck